On Friday I went Williamsburg, Brooklyn to deliver some artwork for the upcoming Art Dorks show at McCaig-Welles Gallery on Roebling St and then onto Manhattan to meet up with an artist agent to discuss some work I may be doing(I just needed to see if the work was within the realm of possibility for me)
After a long day of driving in and out of NYC I get home and go to sleep. It must have been a really deep sleep, . . .because when i woke up the following day I was told that someone had gone through my neighborhood and wrecked a bunch of mailboxes and chopped down some trees. I was really surprised I slept through the damage. They had attacked my mailbox with an ax (the cut marks were clearly visible) Rotten ax-wielding kids!!
I spent my Saturday re-constructing my mailbox just like about half my neighbors had the same problem, . . .I hear it was even worse around the block.